June 4, 2024

How to Prepare for a Flood

What to do before a flood

Take steps to protect your home, family, and financial security throughout the year, and take extra precautions when flooding is predicted in your area.

The best way to protect your home and belongings from flood damage is to purchase flood insurance – don’t let your hard work be washed away.

Here are a few steps you and your family can take to be ready for flooding:

  • Get flood insurance.
  • Know your flood risk.
  • Take a household inventory.
  • Store important documents.
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Did you know?

When flooding is imminent or predicted, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders are eligible to receive up to $1,000 to purchase loss avoidance supplies like tarps, sandbags, and more.

Steps to minimize your flood losses

Minimize your potential losses from flooding by taking the following steps:

  • Elevate and anchor utilities.
  • Waterproof your basement.
  • Clear debris from gutters.
  • Elevate or move your furniture.

When flooding is imminent – take care of your physical safety

When a flood is imminent or occurring, your first priority should be the physical safety of you, your loved ones, and your pets.

Stay alert by monitoring the local news and weather reports and sign up for emergency alerts. Have a communication plan ready in the event of a power outage.

Additional resources for protecting your home

Source: https://www.floodsmart.gov/first-prepare-flooding

Jason is a Certified Insurance Services Representative with expertise in Construction Risks with contract bonding needs. He is also a leading producer for Last Mile Delivery / Parcel Delivery clients in his region.

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